In all but a handful of circumstances, I have insisted on referencing real people by name, revealing their real situations and circumstances as described in my various tributes and sermons.  These real people have lived and died and impacted the lives of those around them in both common, ordinary and extraordinary ways. I have described both their contributions and a glimpse of possible shortcomings in my own Tributes. My list of 10 Guidelines help people include those things that are endearing and/or rare among us, as well as those things that are common or extraordinary that will continue to abide and/or survive in their family and among friends still living history. 

I provide many examples of Family Tributes and funeral Sermons, in addition to various prayers and resources for pastors to use in worship and for laypeople to use in private devotions. As such it is full of inspirational and homiletical material. 

Family members and friends also write about what they treasure in the lives of their loved one. In some cases those loved ones have lived long, fruitful lives. In other cases, their lives were cut short by an accident or disease. For some death was the Enemy, for others it was an Angel of Mercy, for still others it was an Escape…by their own hand / choice.

Whatever the cause or reason for their dying, there is also a story about and a purpose for their living. It is up to us to recognize that and to interpret it – which is the premise and purpose of this book and for the exercise of writing a Tribute.